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Upcom is one boutique search and selection firm based in China. We offer bespoke recruitment and HR solution to clients in industrial, consuming and healthcare/life science practice.
Our consultants have long term experience in China, which includes: more than 1000 in-depth assessments, above 1000 successful recruitments, several management team development projects and coaching assignments. Due to our experience, knowledge and expertise, we know the needs of both international clients and local clients and successfully find the right match or solution every time. We work for you!

Upcom is one boutique search and selection firm based in China. We offer bespoke recruitment and HR solution to clients in industrial, consuming and healthcare/life science practice.
Our consultants have long term experience in China, which includes: more than 1000 in-depth assessments, above 1000 successful recruitments, several management team development projects and coaching assignments. Due to our experience, knowledge and expertise, we know the needs of both international clients and local clients and successfully find the right match or solution every time. We work for you!


We know how to assess, identify and assist you in selecting the most suitable people in China. We can also help Chinese clients in recruitments in their process of globalization. We do this through combining our global reach with our strong local expertise, with the help of our excellent tools, thorough working methods and meticulous dedication to excellent service.


Our consultants have carried out more than a thousand in-depth assessments locally. Our process has the professional structure, i.e. thorough interviews combined with personality, ability and motivation tests, coupled with our local knowledge and deep understanding of the Chinese market.

Leadership Advisory

Upcom will help you find which talents have the most potential to grow and give the means to excel in the organisation. What are the key areas to develop, what strengths are there to lean on, what gives the managers their motivation and how to develop and reach new goals and objectives.

Address:Suite 1222, LL Land Tower No. 580 Nanjing Rd (W) Shanghai 200003, China
Phone:+86 21 62306676